There’s some good documentation on how to get started with OSS development for the Tang Nano FPGA series, but there’s no complete tutorial for VHDL and manual compilation. This post will explain how to set up tools, use Verilog or VHDL and how to mix them, how to compile everything manually and how to program the FPGA. In addition, I’ll show how to use the PLL and how to get a blinky demo running.
Basic OS Setup
At first, we’ll have to install the tools. As always, I’ll start with a clean container system in distrobox. Of course, these setup instructions should also work when you install the tools directly on your host OS, but using distrobox will make dependency management more convenient. Alternatively, you could also use Dev Containers.
So let’s set up a new container based on Fedora 41, the latest release at the time this article was written:
distrobox create -i fedora:41 fpga
distrobox enter fpga
Playing with the Preinstalled FPGA Firmware
Let’s install picocom to talk to the serial port:
sudo dnf install picocom
In addition to using the USB port for programming, the Tang Nano boards emulate a USB serial device using the same connector. This device can be used to talk to the user design and to set up various parameters for the board, such as the generated clocks. For now, let’s talk to the preprogrammed FPGA application:
picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB1
If you’ve not used picocom before: The command key is CTRL
+ a
So to exit picocom for example, hold CTRL
and then press a
followed by x
We can now interact with the preinstalled design:
# Tab to list commands
# All off
litex> leds 0xff
Settings Leds to 0xff
# All on
litex> leds 0
Settings Leds to 0x0
# Button state
litex> buttons
Buttons value: 0x3
# Hold CTRL, then press a, then x to exit
Entering the System Console
To enter the system console, we’ll first open the serial port as if we were connecting to the application:
picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB1
To enter the system console, we have to enter some special commands:
, then press x
followed by c
and press Enter
Type [C-a] [C-h] to see available commands
Terminal ready
# Hold CTRL, then press x, then c and finally enter, to enter system console
: command not found.
TangNano20K />
To get the list of supported commands:
TangNano20K /> help
shell commands list:
For example, to change clock 0 to 100 MHz:
# Change the clock
TangNano20K />pll_clk O0=100M
# Make configuration persist
TangNano20K />pll_clk -s
Using APIO for Simple Applications
Apio is a simple way to get a quick FPGA toolchain setup for various development boards. We’ll use it here to get started, then switch to manual compilation for more control. First, let’s install pip in the container:
sudo dnf install python3-pip
Next, we’ll install Apio. We’re going to get the development version as we need GOWIN FPGA support for our Tang Nano board.
pip install -U
We now follow the Apio Quick Start and install the dependencies:
apio packages install
Once the initial setup finished, we can have a look at available examples:
apio examples list
│ sipeed-tang-nano-4k/blinky │ gowin │ Blinking led (untested) │
│ sipeed-tang-nano-9k/blinky │ gowin │ Blinking led │
│ sipeed-tang-nano-9k/blinky-sv │ gowin │ Blinking led (system verilog) │
│ sipeed-tang-nano-9k/pll │ gowin │ PLL clock multiplier │
So nothing for the Tang Nano 20k… We can still create a new, custom project:
apio create -b sipeed-tang-nano-20k
Verilog Example Application
Use the following in main.v
module main (
input sys_clk,
output[5:0] led
localparam WAIT_CYCLES = 13500000;
reg[25:0] counter;
reg[5:0] led_buf = 6'b111110;
always @(posedge sys_clk) begin
counter <= counter + 1'b1;
if (counter == WAIT_CYCLES) begin
counter <= 0;
led_buf <= {led_buf[4:0], led_buf[5]};
assign led = led_buf;
And this code for constraints in main.cst
IO_LOC "sys_clk" 4;
IO_LOC "led[0]" 15;
IO_LOC "led[1]" 16;
IO_LOC "led[2]" 17;
IO_LOC "led[3]" 18;
IO_LOC "led[4]" 19;
IO_LOC "led[5]" 20;
We can also set up clock constraints in
# The sys clock
ctx.addClock("sys_clk", 27)
With those files in place we can now build the example:
% apio build
Setting the environment.
Processing board sipeed-tang-nano-20k
yosys -p "synth_gowin -top main -json _build/hardware.json" -q main.v
nextpnr-himbaechel --device GW2AR-LV18QN88C8/I7 --json _build/hardware.json --write _build/hardware.pnr.json --report _build/hardware.pnr --vopt family=GW2A-18C --vopt cst=main.cst -q
gowin_pack -d GW2A-18C -o _build/hardware.fs _build/hardware.pnr.json
============================================================================ [SUCCESS] Took 12.05 seconds ============================================================================
And now we can upload the example:
apio upload
Setting the environment.
Processing board sipeed-tang-nano-20k
We can also get a resource and timing summary:
% apio report
Setting the environment.
Processing board sipeed-tang-nano-20k
Formatting pnr report.
FPGA Resource Utilization
│ ALU │ 28 │ 15552 │ 0% │
│ ALU54D │ │ 24 │ │
│ BSRAM │ │ 46 │ │
│ BUFG │ │ 24 │ │
│ CLKDIV │ │ 8 │ │
│ CLKDIV2 │ │ 16 │ │
│ DCS │ │ 8 │ │
│ DFF │ 32 │ 15552 │ 0% │
│ DHCEN │ │ 24 │ │
│ DQCE │ │ 24 │ │
│ GND │ 1 │ 1 │ 100% │
│ GSR │ 1 │ 1 │ 100% │
│ IOB │ 7 │ 384 │ 1% │
│ IOLOGICI │ │ 384 │ │
│ IOLOGICO │ │ 384 │ │
│ LUT4 │ 28 │ 20736 │ 0% │
│ MULT18X18 │ │ 48 │ │
│ MULT36X36 │ │ 12 │ │
│ MULT9X9 │ │ 96 │ │
│ MULTADDALU18X18 │ │ 24 │ │
│ MULTALU18X18 │ │ 24 │ │
│ MULTALU36X18 │ │ 24 │ │
│ MUX2_LUT5 │ 5 │ 10368 │ 0% │
│ MUX2_LUT6 │ 2 │ 5184 │ 0% │
│ MUX2_LUT7 │ │ 2592 │ │
│ MUX2_LUT8 │ │ 2592 │ │
│ OSC │ │ 1 │ │
│ PADD18 │ │ 48 │ │
│ PADD9 │ │ 96 │ │
│ RAM16SDP4 │ │ 648 │ │
│ VCC │ 1 │ 1 │ 100% │
│ rPLL │ │ 2 │ │
Clock Information
│ clk_IBUF_I_O │ 288.35 │
Run 'apio report --verbose' for more details.
============================================================================ [SUCCESS] Took 0.20 seconds ============================================================================
Apio Limitations
Apio is a great project, especially if you want to quickly use different boards. You can also use it to see what commands it uses behind the scenes and replicate those manually. Often the tools used behind the scenes are complex and this is valuable information.
There are however certain limitations with Apio, especially in more advanced projects.
These were the issues I ran into:
The documentation is often missing or lacking.
For example, I couldn’t find any in-depth information about the apio.ini
For more advanced use cases, you can apparently use a Sconstruct
file, but I don’t know where to find documentation.
I also don’t know if there is a way to put files in folders? What’s the source tree structure?
Instead of trying to find that information in source code and by searching online, I decided it’d be more instructive to repeat the process manually and learn how the individual tools are used.
Doing it All Manually
If we don’t use Apio, we first have to install the OSS tools. One major benefit here is that we can get the latest version, which may be quite useful. For example, when doing my tests, I quickly ran into an issue with PLLs and reported a bug. It was fixed quickly, but of course you need to use the latest tool version to get those fixes.
Installing the Tools
The most common way to get the OSS FPGA tools is using the OSS CAD Suite. This project provides nightly binary builds of all important OSS tools needed. We can simply install the binary tarball:
# Adjust the version here
OSSCAD_VERSION_SHORT=$(echo "${OSSCAD_VERSION}" | sed 's/-//g')
curl --progress-bar -L "${OSSCAD_VERSION}/oss-cad-suite-linux-x64-${OSSCAD_VERSION_SHORT}.tgz" -o osscad.tgz
tar -xf osscad.tgz
rm osscad.tgz
echo "${OSSCAD_VERSION}" > oss-cad-suite/VERSION
sudo mv oss-cad-suite /opt/
Let’s also set up a profile snippet.
With this, whenever we execute distrobox enter
, the tools will be loaded automatically:
sudo sh -c 'echo "source /opt/oss-cad-suite/environment" > /etc/profile.d/'
# Make sure to use bash in the container, other shells won't work
chsh -s chsh -s /bin/bash
Then exit and enter again to get your new shell prompt:
distrobox enter fpga
⦗OSS CAD Suite⦘ 📦[jpfau@fpga ~]$
# Now test some commands:
yosys -V
Yosys 0.50+49 (git sha1 05c81b3f1, clang++ 18.1.8 -fPIC -O3)
And that’s all that’s required for the tool installation.
Setting up the Folder Structure
We’re going to use the same example as in the Apio section.
Just create the main.v
, main.pcf
files as explained there, but this time, place them in a proper folder structure:
├── Makefile
├── script
│ └──
└── src
├── constraints
│ ├── top.cst
│ └──
└── hdl
└── main.v
Let’s go through the programming step-by-step.
Synthesizing Verilog
Synthesis is performed in Yosys. We use this command:
yosys -p "synth_gowin -top main -json build/top.syn.json" -q src/hdl/main.v -l build/rpt/top.syn.log
Where -q
tells Yosys not to print to the standard output and -l
will write all output to a file.
The part after -p
is the synthesis script and determines what actions Yosys will perform.
In this case, we synthesize for the GOWIN platform (synth_gowin
) with a top module named main
and save the final netlist to build/top.syn.json
in JSON format.
The synthesis script will be different if you’re synthesizing for ASIC or for another FPGA vendor.
Using VHDL
If we want to use VHDL, the command for synthesis is slightly more complex.
Put the following in src/hdl/main.vhd
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity main is
port (
sys_clk: in std_logic;
led: out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0)
architecture impl of main is
signal counter: unsigned(25 downto 0);
signal led_buf: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := "111110";
constant WAIT_CYCLES: integer := 13500000;
shift: process(sys_clk)
if rising_edge(sys_clk) then
counter <= counter + 1;
if to_integer(counter) = WAIT_CYCLES then
counter <= (others => '0');
led_buf <= led_buf(4 downto 0) & led_buf(5);
end if;
end if;
end process;
led <= led_buf;
The synthesis command now looks like this:
yosys -m ghdl -p "ghdl src/hdl/main.vhd -e main; synth_gowin -top main -json build/top.syn.json" -q -l build/rpt/top.syn.log
Here -m ghdl
loads the GHDL plugin that is responsible for parsing the VHDL code.
The -p
script now loads VHDL files using the ghdl
command and -e
tells GHDL the name of the top module.
The rest of the command remains the same.
Mixing VHDL and Verilog
We can also mix Verilog and VHDL in the OSS toolchain (with all the limitations you’d expect if you’ve ever done this in commercial tools before).
Add this to src/hdl/main.vhd
, as our top module:
library ieee;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity main is
port (
sys_clk: in std_logic;
led: out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0)
architecture impl of main is
signal counter: unsigned(25 downto 0);
signal led_buf: std_logic_vector(5 downto 0) := "111110";
constant WAIT_CYCLES: integer := 13500000;
component test is
port (
a: in std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
y: out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0)
end component;
shift: process(sys_clk)
if rising_edge(sys_clk) then
counter <= counter + 1;
if to_integer(counter) = WAIT_CYCLES then
counter <= (others => '0');
led_buf <= led_buf(4 downto 0) & led_buf(5);
end if;
end if;
end process;
conn: test
port map (
a => led_buf,
y => led
And this in src/hdl/test.v
module test (
input[5:0] a,
output[5:0] y,
assign y = a;
The new synthesis command:
yosys -m ghdl -p "ghdl src/hdl/main.vhd -e main; read_verilog src/hdl/test.v; synth_gowin -top main -json build/top.syn.json" -q -l build/rpt/top.syn.log
So we now know how to synthesize the netlist. This will actually be similar for all FPGA vendors and even for ASIC targets. Implementation on the other hand is highly target specific, so the commands here are only valid for GOWIN FPGAs. The good news is that the command is the same for VHDL, Verilog or whatever other language you’re using for your sources.
nextpnr-himbaechel --device GW2AR-LV18QN88C8/I7 --json build/top.syn.json --write build/top.pnr.json \
--report build/rpt/top.pnr.json --vopt family=GW2A-18C \
--vopt cst=src/constraints/top.cst --pre-pack src/constraints/ -q -l build/rpt/top.pnr.log \
--threads 4 --detailed-timing-report
So what does this do?
Flag | Description |
--device | The target FPGA we use. |
--json | The netlist input, in JSON format. |
--write | The output file, JSON format. |
--report | Report in JSON format (utilization etc). |
--vopt | GOWIN specific options. Target family and path to constraints file. |
--pre-pack | Python script run before packing. Required to specify clock constraints for multiple clocks. |
-q , -l | Same as for Yosys. |
--threads | Enable multi-threading. |
Generating the Bitstream
This last part is quite simple:
gowin_pack -d GW2A-18C -o build/top.fs build/top.pnr.json
Once again we specify the FPGA family, the output file top.fs
and the input obtained from the implementation step.
Uploading the Design
We now have two options to upload the design. We can program directly to FPGA SRAM:
openFPGALoader -b tangnano20k build/top.fs
Alternatively, we can write to the SPI Flash:
openFPGALoader -b tangnano20k -f build/top.fs
Using the PLL
With the basic examples running, let’s see how to use some hard IP in the OSS tools, the rPLL
Parameters for the rPLL
can be obtained from this website.
For an overview of hard IP supported by the OSS Toolchain, refer to the Nextpnr‐Himbaechel Wiki.
Put the following in src/hdl/CLKGen.v
// Derive a 108 MHz clock from the 27 MHz system clock
module CLKGen (
input sys_clk,
input enable,
output clk,
output locked
rPLL #(
.IDIV_SEL(0), // -> PFD = 27 MHz (range: 3-400 MHz)
.FBDIV_SEL(3), // -> CLKOUT = 108 MHz (range: 3.125-600 MHz)
.ODIV_SEL(8), // -> VCO = 864 MHz (range: 400-1200 MHz)
) pll (
Change the top-level Verilog in main.v
to actually use the PLL:
module main (
input sys_clk,
output[5:0] led
wire clk;
wire clk_locked;
CLKGen cgen (
localparam WAIT_CYCLES = 13500000;
reg[25:0] counter;
reg[4:0] led_buf = 5'b11110;
always @(posedge clk) begin
counter <= counter + 1'b1;
if (counter == WAIT_CYCLES) begin
counter <= 0;
led_buf <= {led_buf[3:0], led_buf[4]};
assign led[5:1] = led_buf;
assign led[0] = !clk_locked;
Finally, add constraints for the generated clock to
# The sys clock, as available on pin
ctx.addClock("sys_clk", 27)
# Derived main clock
ctx.addClock("cgen.clk", 108)
And that’s it :-)