Sometimes you need to recover a bricked device via TFTP, but you probably don’t have a TFTP server available. So here’s how to quickly set one on your local PC.
I recently had to recover a broken GXP1625 IP-Phone, but the recovery guide assumed a Windows installation. Here’s how to quickly replicate that setup on linux, without having to make any permanent changes to your system.
Disable Firewall
Let’s disable the firewall for now so that it does not interfere:
sudo systemctl stop firewalld
Run DHCP Server
Open your network configuration UI and assign the static IP address
to the network interface you want to use for debugging.
If your bricked device supports recovering from a specific static address (usually home network routers), use that one of course.
Now let’s run a DHCP server:
# dnsmasq is usually installed. If not, use podman like for the tftp server
sudo dnsmasq --interface=enp1s0 --port 0 --no-daemon --dhcp-range=,,12h --dhcp-option=66,
In this command, we disable the DNS server (--port 0
), start a DHCP server on interface enp1s0
We also set DHCP option 66 to tell our IP-Phone there’s a TFTP server for provisioning at
If dnsmasq complains that the address is already in use, you may have another dnsmasq running already. In that case, kill it:
sudo pkill dnsmasq
Run TFTP Server
To finally run the TFTP server:
sudo podman run --rm --net host -v .:/var/tftpboot
This command will serve files from your current working directory via TFTP. In addition, you can use Wireshark to monitor that interface to actually see what’s happening.